Trini said in her last comment that for her Autumn is "time to start". I think we, students and teachers, are lucky people because every year we have "two opportunities" to start: September at the beginning of the school year when we make all our plans for the year, and then, January -like everyone else- the time to make the new year's resolutions and start again after making some little readjustments.
Reading what Trini wrote I couldn't help but thinking about that beautiful passage from Ecclesiastes (Ec 3,1-8) where we learn that there's a time for everything (you can read and/or listen to this passage on this website).
Now you can listen to the song "Turn, turn, turn", based on this text. It was performed by The Byrds as part of the sound track of the film Forest Gump, remember? Enjoy it and next time you feel in a hurry... don't panic: there's a time for everything.
I,m really philologist today and I want to write those things I think, when I heard this song it made me feel better, I,m very impacient and i want all right now, also this song remembered me my mother she salways said that in this life theres is a time for everything you want because the things that are going to happen to you are just wrote so you can´t do anything about that, our destiny is alredy written. we have enjoy every day as it was the last.