Thursday, 15 October 2009

We had a good time today, didn't we?

Today's lesson was quite nice. We ended up talking about Autumn. Patricia broke the ice and said that she identified Autumn with the invasion of dull colours in all the shop windows: browns, blacks, greys... Nerea joined in the conversation and said that for her Autumn was a synonyme of sadness. It was just then when Reme asked the difference between "blue" and "sad". For Victoria it wasn't sadness the dominant feeling in Autumn, but a breed of calm and silence. It was Lola who confessed that she loved Autumn, the smell in the air, the damp atmosphere and especially the rustling noise of the fallen leaves under her feet on her solitary walks in the woods. She had just said the magic words and now we were all in the right mood for listening to "The Autumn Leaves". I think nobody has sung that song like Eva Cassidy: love, passion, nostalgia and a good dose of romanticism. Sit back and watch this absolutely gorgeous video with Eva Cassidy singing in the background.

Have a look at the lyrics if you need them. You can also find out more information about Eva Cassidy. She died very young, at the age of 33, before she could even imagine that her music and voice would be recognized worldwide.