For our next meeting, Mon Nov 17th, we are going to focus on Marriages. "To get or not to get... married, that is the question". Most young people are a bit reluctant to get married nowadays Is it simply that they cannot afford all the expenses a "typical wedding" conveys, or is it something else; perhaps they are afraid of commitment? Let's not forget that not so long ago marriage used to be 'till death do us part', which by the way is the title of a very sentimental song by Madonna from her album Like A Prayer.
Child marriage is a very serious problem in many countries. Visit Save The Children for further information. Is there an ideal age to marry?
As usual, let's have a look at some quotations on marriage and see if you identify yourself with any of them.
I guess we couldn't end this post without mentioning what Kalhil Gibran wrote "On Marriage" in his well-known book 'The Prophet'
And finally let me present you with a beautiful song by Peter, Paul and Mary called "The wedding song (There is love)" which I always loved and would like to share with you today.