Friday, 21 November 2014

A trip I will never forget

Hello, again. This coming Monday, Nov 24th I invite you to talk about the best and worst travelling experiences we have had. We all remember that one trip that meant a big change in our lives, something we'll never forget. 
Different people, different experiences. Here is how some people described the best trip they've ever had
It's also true that at different times and at different ages too, we travel in a different way. Have you heard about CouchSurfing? Read a bit more about it; it's the sort of experience that won't leave you indifferent. Do you think you would have a go at it? 
And if you think you are already the best traveller... forget it! Here you will find some tips on traveling that will surprise you.
See you on Monday. Get something ready, we are looking forward to hearing about your experiences. 

Thursday, 13 November 2014

...Where the two shall be as one

For our next meeting, Mon Nov 17th, we are going to focus on Marriages. "To get or not to get... married, that is the question". Most young people are a bit reluctant to get married nowadays  Is it simply that they cannot afford all the expenses a "typical wedding" conveys, or is it something else; perhaps they are afraid of commitment? Let's not forget that not so long ago marriage used to be 'till death do us part', which by the way is the title of a very sentimental song by Madonna from her album Like A Prayer.
Child marriage is a very serious problem in many countries. Visit Save The Children for further information. Is there an ideal age to marry?
As usual, let's have a look at some quotations on marriage and see if you identify yourself with any of them. 
I guess we couldn't end this post without mentioning what Kalhil Gibran wrote "On Marriagein his well-known book 'The Prophet'
And finally let me present you with a beautiful song by Peter, Paul and Mary called "The wedding song (There is love)" which I always loved and would like to share with you today. 

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Blogs. How much do we know about them?

Next Monday, Nov 10th, we want to talk about Blogs and share our experience with them and how fond we are of blogs. Check vocabulary and useful questions here.
We have also uploaded a reading text describing why some people started writing their own blogs. 
Blogging has become a very popular activity over the last few years and we believe it is having a dramatic influence on journalism and on what and how people read nowadays. 
As usual, if you wish to read a bit more before the meeting, here are some links:
  • Visit the wikipedia for a definition of blog
  • Want to have a go at creating your own blog? Visit Blogger, a free weblog publishing tool from Google, for sharing text, photos and video.
  • Here's a short YouTube video explaining how to start a blog using Blogger.
  • If you are not yet convinced of starting your own blog, here are 15 reasons why you should do it. 
  • Technicals aspects are usually a drawback. Here are some FAQ related to creating a blog or website. 
And one more week we shall be looking forward to seeing you on next Monday's meeting!! Bye.