Sunday, 28 September 2014

Learning a new language: what a challenge!

(Workshop. Sessions # 1 and 2. Oct 6th and 14th 2014)
Here's the content suggested for our first meeting. I thought it might be a good idea to start by sharing our difficulties and achievements in the process of learning English.
Learning to speak a second or third language has become a necessity in our modern world. Everybody agrees on this, but the task proves to be difficult and many people give up somewhere along the way. 
Why is it so difficult for us Spaniards to learn a new language? It is so frustrating to confirm that after  studying a foreign language (usually English) at school for an endless number of years we are still incapable of communicating successfully in that language. Is it something universal or we Spaniards are too dumb to succeed in learning a foreign language? And perhaps the crucial issue, how long does it really take to get to fluency? 
Here are some tips to study a foreign language. Do not desperate if you are not completely happy with your accent speaking English.
Let's share our experience and the frustration or success we've had in learning English. 

Monday, 15 September 2014

Welcome to Life Through English

We are back!!
Next October we are starting a new workshop in our EOI: Life Through English or shall we call it English Through Life? The idea is to use our knowledge of English to approach relevant aspects of life or, if you want to look at it this way, use our everyday life experiences to practise and improve our English.
We are looking for a group of 15/20 enthusiastic people with fairly good knowledge of English, willing to dedicate a couple of hours every week to experiment a language immersion in English.  
The final objective of the group is to have fun and enjoy our mutual company while exercising our English, meeting new people and learning new things. 
  • Participants: EOI / former EOI students or any other people with enough knowledge of English to follow and take part in the activities proposed. 
  • Requirements: strong willingness and motivation to become involved in the project and actively participate in the activities programmed. 
  • Suggested activities: discussions and debates, presentations, guest speakers, written production, reading and sharing what we read, group reading, roleplaying, watching films and documentaries, theatre, reading along, a bit of language analysis and reflexion, etc.
  • Venue and Meetings: a weekly 2-hour meeting on Monday afternoons (16:30-18:30), beginning on October 6th, at EOI San Roque. 
  • The workshop will be given by José Luis Gómez Marfil, former teacher of EOI San Roque and Algeciras.
This blog will be adapted to become a guideline for the English Language Workshop Life Through English. Every week we will post plenty of information (readings, listenings, links, etc.) related to the topic to be discussed on next week's meeting. 

For further information and inscription, contact: